Spruce Creek Toy Parade
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Welcome to the 2024 Spruce Creek Toy Parade
Now in its 40th year, the Spruce Creek Toy Parade is one of the many things that make Spruce Creek a unique place to live. This fun and unusual event is put on by the Spruce Creek Flying Club, a host of volunteers, and you - our creative and talented friends and neighbors.

This year's Toy Parade will take place on Saturday, December 14th (with a rain date of Sunday, December 15th).

The clock is ticking and it's time for you to begin planning what your entry theme will be. 

Shhh... we won't tell a soul! Okay, you don't want anyone to know what you are planning to enter, but the planning committee really needs your help. Please, please register your entry ahead of time by clicking the registration link above. 

Registering ahead of time ensures that we have your entry and on the day of the Toy Parade and that the judges receive a list to work with (that way we don't overlook anyone). Your secret is safe with us: entries will not be shared with anyone until about 30 minutes before the judging takes place at 12:30 PM.  We are making our plans and look forward to seeing you at The Toy Parade!

To Register Your Entry